
Our Clients

iTristan Group is proud to have helped these organizations, among many, realize their goals

thing about things differently

Pivot, Reposition, Shift, Remodel: Reshaping Businesses Quickly

It has been put-on-your-gloves scrap time for so many businesses in so many sectors.  The COVID-19 pandemic has forced an urgent soul-searching re-examination of how to connect with customers, how to deliver our products and services to customers, and also who our customers are now, and what, exactly we are even offering to them.

The Recovery Will Be Digital

The Recovery Will Be Digital

It's already started. The research was easy to see. Businesses with established and matured digital platforms, workflows, and cultures underpinning their businesses are in a place where they can continue operating, profiting, and generally keeping the lights on. Those that have not cultured their digital platforms and teams are in a place many can relate these days: disrupted or non-existent sales and sales-fulfillment processes that are separated from main marketing initiatives.

digBiz Podcast ep 11 | Daniel Mazurkiewicz on The Business Software Value Cycle

digBiz Podcast ep 11 | The Business Software Value Cycle

Whether you're a shiny new startup ready to take on the world, or an old school industry player evolving and expanding to bring it in the 21st century, your engagement, management, customer service, and operations are playing by the same new digital rules. Are you up for it?